News: Shootout guides for tours 8,9,10,11 was released , the guides are updated daily so check them out as we are dial them in

Summer Major QR PRO Video Guide 

TG Radu

  This website is created for the love of the community and for easier access to all the digital content that the team provides.

  Please check the Team section where you can find more information of the team behind the scenes and how to be part of it if you want to help the community.

  Become a better player using our shootout guides and learn from our streams if having questions check the contact page to reach out to us.

Rapier Rule

  Using the right wedge it’s always important to get the dops you are wanting to. If the wedge you are using is a rapier or you just started and you have a firefly in the bag I got you covered, learn this technic to improve your drop percentage to the highest amount.

The wierdest place to be

What happens if we are going into the mountain can we play from there? Watch the video to find out